Adult Christian Education

Classes Meet from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. Sunday Mornings
in Skiles Hall September through May
Growing in Grace and Growing in Faith

Adult Christian Education (ACE) builds upon basic biblical studies and principles learned through our youth Sunday School programs and seeks to apply such learning to the complex realities of daily adult life to the end that participants continue to grow in grace and faith in Christ.

Therefore, ACE purposely offers a diverse curriculum that challenges each participant to discern how to truly follow Jesus Christ, as well as encourages them to live more fully into the baptismal covenant promises that foster God’s righteousness and justice. 

ACE at Holy Cross draws upon the wisdom of the historic Christian faith (i.e., the writing and witness of patriarchs, matriarchs, prophets, apostles and martyrs), as well as the experience of everyday contemporary followers of Christ so that together, we can embrace what it means to be a Christian and witness to our faith in this 21st century.

What Should I Bring?

It is wise to always bring along a pen and paper to each class for note taking.  Based upon the particular subject, bring along your Bible, Prayer Book or the referenced book for that class.  But most of all, bring an open mind, an open hear, and bring a friend!

All are invited and encouraged to participate in other events and seminars as announced throughout the year. We hope that through this series of ACE classes, opportunities and activities, your faith will be challenged and your love for, and commitment to, Christ will be enriched and strengthened.  Interested in helping plan, lead, or offer ideas or suggestions about future offerings? Please contact the Parish Office at 828-963-4609 ext. 21.